Do not

This Blog is yours Maacheee... Yesterday... Today... Tommorrow and for ever...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Golden Compass

The Golden Compass won an Oscar in visual effects category. It was done by Rhythm and Hues. My best friend Vinny is the one of the lighting team and his name was displayed in credits at last.

If golden compass is a 1st level celebrity then Rhythm and Hues is 2nd level celebrity. That makes Vinny a 3rd level celebrity. Since I am Vinny’s best friend I inevitably become a 4th level celebrity. All you guys all who read this post shall be honored with a 5th level celebrity status.

Yebbadebbadoooooooooo… Yahoooooooooo… Scoooby Dooby Dooooooooooooooo

If Angelina Julie asks me for a dinner date after she dumps Brad Pitt please be not envious of me. I shall politely refuse her and direct her towards you. Miss not this golden opportunity….


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